Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spanakopita = Spinach Pie!

My apologies for the long delay in posts, but as always I have a viable excuse: I'm in Greece!
This is the land of meat and cheese, I don't even bother saying vegan because it doesn't mean anything here. Even with the word "vegetarian," we are greeted with quizzical stares and many questions of how and why. But one word that has gotten us through thick and thin - Spanakopita. The ever wonderful hand filled pocket pie packed with spinach, leeks, and dill.

Currently we are staying on an organic farm full of orange and olive trees, an acre of fresh greens, and veggie patches galore. Our host is a real "DIY" guy (we call him D) and even has us grinding wheat for bread. It's been absolutely lovely. We will return stateside March 3, so be on the look out for more deliciousness from some ordinary vegans reaching beyond the imaginary cuisine. (sooo excited to cook and bake again, its going to be great folks!)

Here are some of the pictures from the adventures thus far... ENJOY! 

Homemade Spanakopita - there was a little feta sprinkled in, but have no fear, we picked it up from the local shepherd!

All of the happy little goats! These billies roam the beautiful lush hills all day. On a hike in the nearby mountains we ran into a mother giving birth au naturel.

Fresh picked oranges (navel), mandrins, and lemons. Since Feb. 1st I have consumed 107 oranges.

D loves mushrooms! Every time we go for a hike he's in the woods searching. Here's a Saffron Cap.

Deb, Lia, and D showing big love for the big bread.

Melomakaronas. The best cookie in the world.

Home for the past 3 weeks...

Homemade bread and baked olives, the go-to snack, lunch, breakfast, etc ..

Shelling beans.

How can you not eat more than 5 of these a day!?!

Lia cleaning horta (greens) for dinner.

Whole grain wheat berries = whole grain wheat flour. Voila!

Fresh carob - it's super sweet. many olives to be picked.

Step 1. Clean olives.

Step 2. Put the olives in a sewn-shut pair of pants with salt and shake shake shake for 10 days straight! (curing)

Another find - Hedgehogs!

Underside of Hedgehogs.

D lived in Portland for 20 years and was craving chocolate covered raisins for our "movie night," so we made our own! SO easy and delicious when using real 70% dark chocolate.