I was away in Alaska for the summer (hence the lack of blog entries). Endless days, kayaking, mountains, ocean, seastars, and not a vegan restaurant in sight. No, there is one restaurant in the Anchorage area (not in the Homer area where I was stationed) that I must give credit to - The Middle Way Cafe. The best vegan cupcakes under the sun. And 2 - that's right 2 vegan options on their menu (only breakfast - lunch you're stuck with a bowl of soup) but for Anchorage that's HUGE! So kudos to Middle Way. If you ever venture up north - Check them out! 1200 Northern Lights Blvd.
Coming back to Philly greeted me with humidity, uncontrolable sweating and no job. After craigslisting and what not I landed a position at whole foods (which will definitely lend a hand in my cooking/baking field)! I've been lacking in the kitchen since I've been back because it makes me sick just thinking about turning on a stove or oven - and I wasn't doing so great in the blog world before I left. So my goal this fall is to make lots of yummy things, and share it with you - my loyal readers. (is anybody out there?)
2 months ago
I am still here and very excited for more blog posts! I've been checking in all summer to find some updates. The time has come for more vegan joy!